Að finna upp hjólið – byltingin felst ekki í hugmyndinni heldur í útfærslunni Um þrjú fjarnámskeið í dönsku við Háskóla Íslands


  • Þórhildur Oddsdóttir


This article is on distance learning, its history, did acticism and pedagogy, with a special focus on three courses taught in the Danish department of the University of Iceland in 2007–2008. The courses were aimed at Danish teachers in compulsory schools who wanted to broaden their knowledge of Danish teaching. The first course focused on the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) as well as using the internet to find good information sources. The second course introduced the use of literature and films in the class - room and the students used did actic literature as arguments for the exercises they made. The third course was about pedagogical researches on teenagers, their culture, language, fashion and how they use media. In addition there are discussions about the pedagogical views of distance learning and teaching, thoughts on its historical aspects and progress as well as speculations about what the future might have to offer in this field.






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